423 United
Who We Are
423 United is a coalition of local churches, leaders, and ministries gathered together with one common goal: to see Christ glorified through the unity of His body for the sake of revival in our cities.
The Vision
423 United = John 4:23
"But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him."
We believe that this region (the 423 area code) has a call to establish True worship as defined by Jesus: Worship in Spirit and Truth
Primary Objective
Our main goal is to build an apostolic network to be watchmen and gatekeepers for "The Church of Johnson City" that will be praying for revival, unifying the body of Christ, and influencing church governance in our city. We are seeking to accomplish this through a multi-layered course of action. The first is through our 423/365 Prayer Initiative where individual churches will have the opportunity to take one night out of the year to pray over the city. Once we have 365 participating churches, there will be a unified effort of prayer taking place every single night of the year for Johnson City. The second step will be to have local pastors and church leaders gather for our monthly prayer meetings to seek the heart of God for His direction concerning the Body of Christ in our area. Lastly, we will be uniting all of our churches together for an annual celebration of faith and unity.
Our Invitation to You
If as you read this your heart is stirring or you feel the Holy Spirit drawing you or you simply want to find out more, please reach out and get connected with us!